I’m popping in real quick with some exciting news! I’m starting a new newsletter!
For a while, I’ve wanted an outlet for more personal writing that doesn’t completely revolve around Louisiana politics (imagine that) and I feel strongly that the time is now. So, this week, I’m launching my new newsletter, Chronic Female Thoughts, and I hope you will join me over there.
Chronic Female Thoughts (CFT) is a repository of reclaimed narratives. It is about being a woman and being out in the world. It is about finding power, rage, joy, and peace at the intersection of the personal and the political. It is about whatever I may think about on any given day, which vacillates wildly between the sensible and absurd.
I’m kicking off CFT with a monthly series called Twenty Years Ago Today, which is a look back on the twentieth anniversary year of Hurricane Katrina. It will be published every month on the 29th in remembrance of where we were twenty years ago today, beginning this Wednesday, January 29th. I don’t think it is a coincidence that the timing feels ripe now, twenty years later, to share my writing with you. I think this is a part of my healing process and I hope it will become a part of yours.
I’ll be back later in the week with a full nah brah newsletter to continue our conversation about civic engagement and what to do moving forward in this dumpster fire of a political atmosphere, but in the meantime, I hope everyone enjoyed the snow. I hope everyone took a moment to slow down and just take in the beauty. It was revolutionary for me (once I pushed aside the obvious anxiety about the climate change implications), and I had such a beautiful couple of days exploring with my pup. Despite living here my entire life, I am still awestruck by the beauty of New Orleans on a daily basis, and seeing it covered in snow was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I hope you allowed yourself the same joy last week, considering the super shitty way it began.
I shared a little mini photo journal about my day in the snow and what it meant to me if you want to read it here: