Introducing a new series where we will get you prepared for the political shitstorm ahead and strengthen our community ties outside of the tech bro fuck boi social media circle jerk complex:
It has become abundantly clear that social media platforms are unreliable and the men that run them will stop at nothing to curry Twump’s favor. As such, I will be making moves to secure the community ties we have outside of social media, starting with this series, which is two part. The first part is the Political Shitstorm Prep Plan Workbook and the second part is the monthly Community Zoom (paid subscribers scroll to the bottom of the page to access both).
Please note, this series will only be available to paid subscribers of this newsletter. You can become a paid subscriber for $5/mth or $50/yr. If you have a financial hardship, please feel free to email me and we will work it out.
Political Shitstorm Prep Plan Workbook:
The Political Shitstorm Prep Plan Workbook is a resource for you to get your political house in immediate order. It is a quick shitstorm prep sesh to make sure you have your basic political shit in order, including: voter registration, knowing who your elected officials are, reassessing where you're getting your local news/information, getting familiar with local advocacy networks, discovering volunteer opportunities, subscribing to reliable local news sources, and assessing your strengths, capacity, joys, and sustainability practices, etc.
The necessity for this workbook came out of the belief that we can’t get us until you got you. There is so much happening in the world today that it is easy to lose focus in the chaos and rage. Conducting this political audit will help maintain focus and keep you from burning out, which is exactly what they want. Become a paid subscriber to access the workbook below
Community Zoom:
The Community Zoom is an ongoing monthly gathering where we will commiserate and continue our civic training. This is a space where we will build our community and make it less dependent on social media. We will talk, learn, unlearn, and apply practical tips to our civic engagement. You can ask questions, vent, and share the love.
This is where we will start to create the world we want to live in. Also, this is where we will see each other's faces! Paid subscribers can sign up at the link below. Become a paid subscriber to access the link.
It is highly recommended that you complete the Political Shitstorm Prep Plan Workbook first and then join in on the monthly community zooms. There will be no recordings, this is a live series.
We got this. We got us.