some words for today
it's time to prepare and protect this community—introducing a new monthly zoom
Introducing a new monthly zoom series where we will get you prepared for the political shitstorm ahead and strengthen our community ties outside of the tech bro fuck boi social media circle jerk complex:
As we have seen over the last 48 hours (and several months), social media platforms are unreliable and the men that run them will stop at nothing to curry Twump’s favor. As such, I will be making moves to secure the community ties we have outside of social media, starting with this Zoom series (more info below).
A few words on this day when so many of us are feeling dread and fear and disbelief:
First, it’s okay to feel really sad today. We have been handed irrefutable evidence (ie election results we didn’t literally revolt against) that this is the desire of our fellow citizens. That is really sad. Sad!
Second, it’s okay to be really angry today. Over the last 48 hours, we experienced a taste of the tech bro fuck boi broligarchy bullshit rollercoaster that apparently we’ll be on for the next four years. They created a problem (Twump introducing the Tik Tok ban in 2020), the Dems totally flubbed it (ran with the ban), and then Twump and the tech bro fuck bois “solved it” through a full-on circle jerk (“As a result of President Trump’s efforts...”). It’s pretty fucking gross.
Third, don’t let your trauma response win. A lot of what you’re feeling today is a direct result of the horror of what we lived through from 2016-2020. Remind yourself that this is not the same situation. You are a different person now. We have each other now. We are way more prepared than we were last time. So, take a second, ground yourself, close your eyes, touch your shoulder, and say out loud: This is not 2016.
Fourth, it’s okay to be exhausted today. I know it isn’t 2016, BUT ARE WE REALLY STILL DOING THIS SHIT IN 2025?! I know. It fucking blows. But also, this is the trajectory of humanity. There will always be struggle as there will always be joy. The sooner we accept that, the sooner the struggle can’t own us.
Fifth, it’s time to protect and prepare this community. As we have seen over the last 48 hours, social media platforms are unreliable, and the men who run them will stop at nothing to curry Twump’s favor. As such, I will be making moves to secure the community ties we have outside of social media. I am introducing a monthly Zoom series (more info below!) to both bolster our political shitstorm preparedness and strengthen our community bond.
**Please note: the Zoom series will only be available to paid subscribers of this newsletter, because I also have to protect myself and this community from the trolls. They are coming out more and they are getting scarier. You can become a paid subscriber for $5/mth or $50/yr. If you have a financial hardship, please feel free to email me and we will work it out.**
In the meantime, here are some mantras for today:
We will not be reactionary.
We will protect our peace.
We have been through this storm before, and preparedness is in our bones.
We know how to protect ourselves and each other.
This is not a repeat of 2016 because we are different, we are stronger, and now we have each other.
We have this community, and that brings us peace and perseverance.
This community cannot be taken from us. It is OF us.
Look, a pretty flower!
NEW NAH BRAH MONTHLY ZOOM SERIES (aka the nah brah prepare & protect plan):
Rundown: Every month, I will be offering one Political Shitstorm Prep and one Community Zoom. The Political Shitstorm Prep is a one-time course for you to take to get your political house in immediate order. The Community Zoom is an ongoing gathering that you are invited to participate in every month where we will commiserate and continue our civic training. It is highly recommended that you take the Political Shitstorm Prep course first and then join in on the monthly community zooms. There will be no recordings, this is a live series.
Again, the Zoom series will only be available to paid subscribers of this newsletter, because I also have to protect myself and this community from the trolls. They are coming out more and they are getting scarier. You can become a paid subscriber for $5/mth or $50/yr. If you have a financial hardship, please feel free to email me and we will work it out.
Political Shitstorm Prep (PREPARE):
A quick shitstorm prep sesh to make sure you have your basic political shit in order, including: voter registration, knowing who your elected officials are, reassessing where you're getting your local news/information, getting familiar with local advocacy networks, discovering volunteer opportunities, subscribing to reliable local news sources, etc. This will be a community-based, crowd-sourced information session led by Marcelle. Paid subscribers can sign up at the link below. Become a paid subscriber to access the link.
The first Political Shitstorm Prep will be held on February 11 at 7 pm. You can also sign up for March or April at the link below.
Community Zoom (PROTECT):
This is a space where we will get together once a month to build our community and make it less dependent on social media. We will talk, learn, unlearn, and apply practical tips to our civic engagement. This is where we will start to create the world we want to live in. Also, this is where we will see each other's faces! Paid subscribers can sign up at the link below. Become a paid subscriber to access the link.
The first Community Zoom will be held on February 12 at 7 pm. You can also sign up for March and April at the link below.
We got this. We got us.