Hello, brahs! Apologies for missing last week’s newsletter-I got a terrible cold and am just now finally starting to feel better. But now my head is clear(ish) and I’m ready to rock and roll. So, let’s dive in.
First order of business: The Political Shitstorm Prep Series (new workbook alert!)
We had our first round of community zooms last week! First and foremost, THANK YOU to everyone who participated. It really was lovely to spend some time in community—I didn’t realize how much I needed it until I saw your faces. Like a breath of fresh air. Secondly, apologies for all my coughing/sneezing lol. I know it wasn’t cute, but we made it work.
This series has been on my heart and percolating in the back of my head for a really long time now. I feel very strongly about the two ideas underpinning it:
We need to keep building this community outside of social media—now more than ever under the threat of the tech bro fuck boi social media circle jerk complex.
Everyone needs to take responsibility for their own civic engagement. For a long time, I spoonfed you calls to action, but I have realized that is unsustainable—something about the whole give a woman a fish vs. teaching her how to fish thing. So, I realized the move was in helping you get your political lives in order and empowering you to find your unique call to action.
One thing I’ve loved so much about this whole Louisianahbrah project is that it has a life of its own. I really serve it best when I step back and let it evolve organically and just follow the lead of inspiration and creativity. And look, I don’t know if it was the Nyquil or the fact that I was forced to lay low, but some major inspiration moved through me over the last week and I developed a whole ass civic engagement workbook for yall! (That’s right, I’m super intense and civically ragey even when I’m super sick.)
Which means, the Political Shitstorm Prep Series now consists of a BRAND SPANKING NEW WORKBOOK and one monthly community zoom. Paid subscribers can access the workbook at the bottom of the page here:
The workbook is for you to work through in your own time, at your own pace. It is full of linked resources, activism tips, and gives you a roadmap to auditing your political life and making sure you are rising to your purpose and your capacity. Here’s a little sneak peak:
The community zoom is an opportunity to expand on the workbook together, ask questions, share ideas, and share the love.
Please note, this series will only be available to paid subscribers of this newsletter. You can become a paid subscriber for $5/mth or $50/yr. If you have a financial hardship, please feel free to email me and we will work it out.
Also, rest assured that we discuss everything here in this weekly newsletter. You are privy to all shared information, the series just provides extra support and resources, which takes up more of my resources and therefore requires some compensation. I avoided putting anything behind a paywall for years, but then I realized the model of putting so much love, energy, and time into something without getting compensated was unsustainable. It burned me out and burned through my finances real quick. Your support truly means everything to me. I very much appreciate you, brahs.
Second order of business: updates & actionable items:
The update is that this administration is still an absolute fucking dumpster fire. In the name of “fiscal responsibility” they have slashed multiple departments and vital services with no plan to replace them (other than bending over for the billionaires and their sacred private sector), leaving everyone in uncertainty and chaos. Which has always been their plan.
What a heartless plan.
And honestly, for a while it seemed like a stupid plan since their massive cuts are affecting the livlihood of millions, including MAGA voters, but after that White House post the other day, it seems they aren’t concerned with electoral politics. Turns out they aren’t at all concerned with elections, even after all that stink they made after the 2020 presidential.
I’m not going to lie. I was SHOCKED and OUTRAGED when I saw this on the White House official account, but then I remembered something that I’m going to now share with you:
I loved this post because it reminded me that we need to be strategic. It also reminded me that both presidents (Trump & Musk) are trolls, which means we need to add another layer to this graphic: “STUFF THEY JUST TROLL YOU ABOUT.” Most of this is just bullshit we need to ignore—until he actually figures out how to install himself as monarch and then we burn this shit down.
I literally can’t believe we went from the tan suit scandal to this.
Anyway, so let’s move on to those brilliant, strategic moves.
right now actionable items
Audit your political life with the Political Shitstorm Prep Plan Workbook. Get your political shit straight, educate yourself, and then figure out your capacity and your strengths.
Vote. We have an election on March 29th. Put it in your calendar. Check out your sample ballot and make a plan to vote.
Protect your data from the administration’s chaos. Read here for 12 practical steps to protect your data, including freezing your credit, having certain records on hand, secure banking, etc.
Support Black-owned businesses and demand businesses prioritize people over profit. Checck out the NAACP’s tactical spending guide to get the most bang out of your buck—support businesses who choose people and hurt businesses that are actively rolling back DEI initiatives.
Read banned books. The Trump administration has been busy banning books, but they keep forgetting that we’re intellectual bitches. Reading is revolutionary. Check this post for a list of banned books.
Check out 5calls.org for scripts for 27 total actions right now, including:
evergreen actionable items
Participate in the monthly Nah Brah Zoom series to secure your political house and engage with community.
Check out 5calls.org for daily calls to action with scripts, phone numbers, and petitions.
Check out rotating action items from Indivisible.
Know your rights. Engage with groups like ACLU Louisiana to make sure you know your rights and the rights of vulnerable communities around you.
Ok, Substack has just warned me I am reaching the email length limit lol ya girl is wordy. I will leave you here and I hope you have a beautiful weekend. You deserve it.